My PhD manuscript can be downloaded here. The title is:
Multi-scale hydrogeophysical caracterisation and water storage dynamics in a hardrock basement catchment of a sudanian area (Benin): contribution from gravimetry
Friedemann, S., Hector, B., Raffin, B., Cohard, J.-M., Depeyre, A., Pellarin, T. In Situ and In Transit Computing for Large Scale Geoscientific Simulation - The ParFlow Experience. Computers & Geosciences. En préparation
Peugeot C., Boone A., Cappelaere B., Demarty J., Grippa M., Kergoat L., M. Anderson, Awessou B., Cohard J.M., Favot F., Galle S., T. Gascon, Getirana A., Gosset M., Hector B., Mamadou O., D. Miralles, T. Pellarin, Quantin G., A. Richard, Séguis L., Seghieri J., Vischel T., and the ALMIP2 working group. Meso-scale evaluations of the water cycle in state-of-the-art land surface models in the sub-humid west African tropics. J. Hydrometeorol. In prep.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., Riccardi, U., Rosat, S., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Littel, F. and Bernard, J.-D.: A study of the monsoonal hydrology contribution using a 8 year record (2010-2018) from superconducting gravimeter OSG-060 at Djougou (Benin, West Africa), Geophys J Int, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa027, 2020.
Hinderer, J., Riccardi, U., Rosat, S., Boy, J.-P., Hector, B., Calvo, M., Little, F. and Bernard, J.-D.: A study of the solid Earth tides, ocean and atmospheric loadings using an 8-year record (2010-2018) from superconducting gravimeter OSG-060 at Djougou (Benin, West Africa), Journal of Geodynamics, 101692, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2019.101692, 2019.
Galle et al., ('AMMA-CATCH group & partners, including Hector, B). AMMA-CATCH, a Critical Zone observatory in West Africa, monitoring a region in transition. Special section on Hydrological Observatories. Vadose Zone Journal.doi: 10.2136/vzj2018.03.0062, 2018.
Mamadou, O., Galle, S., Cohard, J.-M., Peugeot, C., Kounouhewa, B., Biron, R., Hector, B. and Zannou, A. B.: Dynamics of water vapor and energy exchanges above two contrasting Sudanian climate ecosystems in Northern Benin (West Africa), J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2016JD024749, doi:10.1002/2016JD024749, 2016.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., Mémin, A. and Calvo, M.: Hybrid gravimetry as a tool to monitor surface and underground mass changes, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, doi:10.1007/1345_2016_253, 2016.
Hector, B. and Hinderer, J.: pyGrav, a Python-based program for handling and processing relative gravity data, Computers & Geosciences, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.03.010, 2016.
Hinderer, J., Calvo, M., Abdelfettah, Y., Hector, B., Riccardi, U., Ferhat, G., and Bernard, J.-D., 2015, Monitoring of a geothermal reservoir by hybrid gravimetry; feasibility study applied to the Soultz-sous-Forêts and Rittershoffen sites in the Rhine graben: Geothermal Energy, v. 3, p. 16, doi: 10.1186/s40517-015-0035-3.
Genthon, P., Hector, B., Luxereau, A., Descloitres, M., Abdou, H., Hinderer, J., and Bakalowicz, M., 2015, Groundwater recharge by Sahelian rivers—consequences for agricultural development: example from the lower Komadugu Yobe River (Eastern Niger, Lake Chad Basin): Environmental Earth Sciences, p. 1–12, doi: 10.1007/s12665-015-4119-y.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Descloitres, M., Rosat, S., Galle, S. and Riccardi, U.: Hydro-gravimetry in West-Africa: first results from the Djougou (Bénin) superconducting gravimeter, J. Geodyn., 80, 34–39, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2014.04.003, 2014.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., Boy, J.-P., Riccardi, U., Rosat, S., Calvo, M. and Littel, F.: A search for atmospheric effects on gravity at different time and space scales, Journal of Geodynamics, 80, 50–57, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2014.02.001, 2014.
Hinderer, J., Rosat, S., Calvo, M., Boy, J.-P., Hector, B., Riccardi, U., Séguis, L., 2014. Preliminary Results from the Superconducting Gravimeter SG-060 Installed in West Africa (Djougou, Benin), in: Rizos, C., Willis, P. (Eds.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 413–419. 978-3-642-37222-3.
Hector, B., Seguis, L., Hinderer, J., Descloitres, M., Vouillamoz, J.-M., Wubda, M., Boy, J.-P., Luck, B. and Le Moigne, N.: Gravity effect of water storage changes in a weathered hard-rock aquifer in West Africa: results from joint absolute gravity, hydrological monitoring and geophysical prospection, Geophys. J. Int., 194(2), 737–750, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt146, 2013.
Galle, S., Peugeot, C., Grippa, M., Chaffard, V., Afouda, S., Agbossou, E. K., Ago, E. E., Arjounin, M., Awessou, B., Boucher, M., Boukari, M., Cohard, J.-M., Dossou, M., Descloitres, M., Gosset, M., Hector, B., Lanwin, E., Mamadou, O., Mason, E., Ouani, T., Richard, A., Seghieri, J., Séguis, L., Velluet, C., Vouillamoz, J.-M., Wubda, M., Yalo, N., Zannou, A. and Equipes AMMA-CATCH du Niger et du Bénin: AMMA-CATCH : un observatoire hydrologique, météorologique et écologique de long terme en Afrique de l’Ouest. Résultats importants et données disponibles, in Climat et Développement, LACEEDE, Cotonou, Bénin., 2016.
Maxwell, R. M., Kollet, S. J., Smith, S. G., Woodward, C. S., Falgout, R. D., Ferguson, I. M., Engdahl, N., Condon, L. E., Hector, B., Lopez, S. R., Gilbert, J., Bearup, L., Jefferson, J., Collins, C., de Graaf, I. E. M., Prubilick, C., Baldwin, C., Bosl, W. J., Hornung, R. and Ashby, S.: ParFlow User’s Manual, GWM I., 2016.
Hector, B. (2014) Multi-scale hydrogeophysical caracterisation and water storage dynamics in a hardrock basement catchment of a sudanian area (Benin): contribution from gravimetry. PhD Thesis, Univ. Strasbourg.
Hector, B. (2011) Caractérisation de la recharge d'une nappe phréatique en contexte sahélien : effets de site incluant la poroelasticité et la reprise évapotranspiratoire, Mémoire d'Ingénieur (engineering school thesis), Univ. Strasbourg, 62 pp.
Hector, B. (2010) Towards detection and high resolution location of regional earthquakes using continuous waveforms, Rapport de stage de Master 2 (eq M. Sc. thesis), Univ. Strasbourg, 30pp.
Hector, B. & Duval, T (2008) Evolution temporelle de la mousson en Afrique de l’Ouest dans le cadre du projet GHYRAF (temporal evolution of Rainfall in West-Africa using EOFs), Rapport de stage de Master 1 (Eq B. Sc. +1 yr Thesis), Univ. Strasbourg, 50pp.
Invited conferences
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., Adjomayi, P., Abdou Babaye M.S., Pellarin, T., Depeyre, A., Herzog, A., & l’équipe AMMA-CATCH & LMI REZOC Modélisation du cycle hydrologique de la Zone Critique: Quels apports à la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau? Présentation invitée au LAPA-MF, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, Mai 2019. Oral.
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., Séguis, L., Galle, S., Peugeot, C. & The AMMA-CATCH Team. Le fonctionnement hydrologique des bas-fonds exploré par expériences virtuelles sur un modèle de Zone Critique. Séminaire de lancement du LMI REZOC, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, 20 mars 2019. Oral
Hector, B., Cohard, J-M., Pellarin, T., Depeyre, A., Friedeman, S. Modeling water transfers in the West-African Critical Zone under change: from observation to regional scales, TU Delft, Netherland, December 2018. Oral.
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., Séguis, L., Galle, S., Peugeot, C. & The AMMA-CATCH Team. Virtual experiments of water transfers in the Critical Zone. Journées OZCAR, Fréjus. 2018. Oral
Hector, B., 2016. Hybrid gravimetry for mapping water storage changes of the critical zone at local scales: a West-African experiment. Présentation au Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg, Octobre 2016. Oral.
Hector, B. 2016. Quelles perspectives pour les bilans d’eau de la zone critique soudanienne? Des outils géophysiques, hydrologiques, et satellitaires à mobiliser. Présentation au LHA, université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin, Février 2016. Oral.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, 2014. The potential of hybrid gravimetry for hydrology; application to a sudanian catchment (West Africa). AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2014,. Présentation orale invité.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., Riccardi, U., Rosat, S., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Littel, F., Bernard, J.-D. An investigation of the water storage changes in Djougou (Benin, West Africa) using hydrogravimetry, IUGG Montreal, Canada, July 2019. Oral presentation
Hinderer, J., Riccardi, U., Rosat, S., Boy, J.-P., Hector, B., Calvo, M., Littel, F., Bernard, J.-D. A study of the Earth solid tides, ocean and atmospheric loadings using a 8 year record (2010-2018) from superconducting gravimeter OSG-060 at Djougou (Benin, West Africa), IUGG Montreal, Canada, July 2019. Poster
Cohard, J-M., Hector, B., Pellarin, T., Depeyre, A., Maxwell, R. & l’équipe AMMA-CATCH : Développement d'un modèle de Zone Critique multi-échelle pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest : un modèle agrégateur de connaissance. Enjeux et actualités des Observatoires de la Zone Critique en Afrique. Séminaire 30 ans de l’observatoire AMMA-CATCH. 12-14 Nov. 2018. Niamey, Niger. Oral
Depeyre, A., Hector, B., Cohard, J-M., Pellarin, T., Modélisation des transferts d’eau dans la Zone Critique de deux bassins versants contrastés (Dargol au Niger et Ouémé au Bénin). Enjeux et actualités des Observatoires de la Zone Critique en Afrique. Séminaire 30 ans de l’observatoire AMMA-CATCH. 12-14 Nov. 2018. Niamey, Niger. Oral
Hinderer, J., Rosat, S., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Riccardi, U., Hector, B., Littel, F., Bernard, J.-D Hydrogravimetry to investigate water storage changes: the case of the AMMA-CATCH Djougou site in northern Benin. Enjeux et actualités des Observatoires de la Zone Critique en Afrique. Séminaire 30 ans de l’observatoire AMMA-CATCH. 12-14 Nov. 2018. Niamey, Niger. Oral
Hector, B., Depeyre A., Galle, S., Peugeot C, Séguis, L., Pellarin, T., Cohard, J.-M. Reducing uncertainties in physically based modelling at regional scales from CZ local observations. 2nd Tereno Int. conf. Oct. 2018, Berlin, Germany. Poster
Friedemann, S.,
Pellarin T.,Cohard J.-M., Hector B., Raffin, B..In situ computational steering to assimilate observations into a
coupled hydrological model. CMWR, Saint Malo, 2018. Oral
Forrester, M., Maxwell, R., Hector, B., Condon, L.. Integrated groundwater-surface water hydrologic modeling at the continental scale and its applications. CMWR, Saint Malo, 2018. Oral
Cohard J.-M., Pellarin T., Hector B., Depeyre, A., Maxwell R., Galle, S. Constructing an everywhere and locally relevant predictive model of the West-African Critical Zone. CMWR, Saint Malo, 2018. Oral
Condon, L., Moulton, D., Gochis, D.,
Smith, S., Woodward, C., Atchley, A., Hector, B., Tijerina, D., Forrester, M.M., Dugger A., Yu, W., Fitzgerald, K, Maxwell, R. Advances in Hyper-Resolution Integrated Modeling of the Continental
US and Connections to the National Water Model. DOE -Department of Energy- Environmental System Science PI meeting, May 2018. Poster
Forrester, M., Maxwell, R., Condon, L..Hector, B. Development and applications of a continental-scale integrated groundwater-surface water hydrologic model. EGU, Vienna, 2018. Poster
Slinski K. M., Pellarin T., Hector B., Cohard J.-M., Vouillamoz J.-M., Hogue T.S.,McCray J.E.
High Resolution Mapping of Hydrologic Deformation Induced by the West African Monsoon. EGU, Vienna, 2018. Poster
Maxwell, R., Condon, L., Atchley, A., Hector, B. North American water availability under stress and duress: building understanding from simulations, observations and data products. AGU. New-Orleans, December 2017. Oral
Cohard J.-M.,
Hector B., Pellarin T., Maxwell R., Depeyre, A. & AMMA-CATCH Team. Constructing an everywhere and locally
relevant predictive model of the West-African Critical Zone. AGU. New-Orleans, December 2017. Oral
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., Séguis, L., Peugeot, C., Galle, S. Hydrological Functioning of West-African
inland valleys explored with a critical zone model. AGU. New-Orleans, December 2017. Poster
Boucher, M., Hector B. et al., Interactions eaux de surface / eaux souterraines: De nouvelles approches de modélisation et de prospection géophysique. Pour la Science et en appui à la GIRE. 2017. Séminaire d’échanges AMMA-CATCH / AGRHYMET / IRD. Octobre 2017. Oral
Hector B., Pellarin T.,Cohard J.-M., Depeyre, A., Raffin, B., Friedemann, S., Maxwell R. & AMMA-CATCH Team. Vers une modélisation de la Zone Critique d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Journées de Modélisation du Fonctionnement des Surfaces Continentales. Agropolis Montpellier, Novembre 2017. Oral
Hector B., & the AMMA-CATCH team. Modélisation physique de la Zone Critique en Afrique de l'Ouest. Etat et perspectives. Journées AMMA-CATCH. Sète, 2017. Oral
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., Séguis, L., Boukari, M., Galle, S., Mamadou, O., Peugeot, C., Quantin, G., Vischel, T., 2016. Global changes impacts on water fluxes of the critical zone for the sudanian area in West-Africa. IAH, Montpellier, Septembre 2016. Poster.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Calvo, M., Boy, J.-P., Masson, F., Urbain, H., Ferhat, G., Bernard, J.-D., Littel, F., Viville, D., 2016. Water storage changes in hard-rock basement areas using hybrid gravimetry : results from tropical and temperate settings. IAH, Montpellier, Septembre 2016. Poster.
Genthon, P., Hinderer, J., Mouhouyouddine, A.H., Ferhat, G., Hector, B., Yameogo, S., 2016. Basement aquifer test monitored by gravimetry: a sensitivity approach. IAH, Montpellier, Septembre 2016. Poster.
Hinderer, J., Calvo, M., Abdelfettah, Y., Ferhat, G., Riccardi, U., Hector, B., Bernard, J.-D., Littel, F., 2016. Hybrid Gravity monitoring of a Geothermal reservoir. EGC, Strasbourg, Septembre 2016, Oral presentation.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., Séguis, L., Pfeffer, J., Calvo, M., Boy, J.-P., Masson, F., Ferhat, G., Bernard, J.-D., Viville, D., Pierret, M.-C., 2016. Monitoring of water storage changes in the critical zone using hybrid gravimetry. Journées CRITEX, Rennes, janvier 2016, Poster.
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., 2016. Haute résolution en infrarouge thermique : quel potentiel pour l’identification de signatures hydrologiques en zone soudanienne d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Rencontres CNES-LTHE, Grenoble, Janvier 2016. Oral.
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L. 2015. Streamflow generation in humid West Africa: the role of Bas-fonds investigated with a physically based model of the Critical Zone. AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2015, Poster.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., 2015. Hybrid gravimetry for the monitoring of water storage changes in the critical zone of West Africa. AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2015, Poster.
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., 2015. Haute résolution en infrarouge thermique pour l’identification de signatures hydrologiques en Afrique de l’Ouest. Journées JC2 CNES, Toulouse, 16-18 Octobre 2015. Oral & Poster.
Hector, B., Cohard, J.-M., Séguis, L., Descloîtres, M., Hinderer, J., 2015. On the origin of Baseflow in humid tropical basement catchments. Journées AMMA-CATCH, Sète, Octobre 2015, Poster.
Hinderer, J., B. Hector, A. Mémin, M. Calvo, 2015. Hybrid gravimetry as a tool to monitor sub-surface mass changes, IUGG Prague, Czech Republic, 22 june-2 July 2015. Oral presentation
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, 2014. The potential of hybrid gravimetry for hydrology; application to a sudanian catchment (West Africa). AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2014,. Invited oral presentation.
Genthon, P., Ali Houmadi, M., Hinderer J., Hector, B., Yaméogo, S., 2014. Basement aquifers / how useful are gravity data?, AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2014, Poster communication.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., Calvo, M., Riccardi, U., Ferhat, G., Abdelfettah, Y. & Bernard, J.-D., 2014, Monitoring of geothermal reservoirs by hybrid gravimetry. EGW, Karlsruhe.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Descloitres, M., Cohard, J-M., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Rosat, S., Riccardi, U., Galle, S., 2013. Local and catchment-scale water storage changes in northern Benin deduced from gravity monitoring at various time. AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2013,. Poster presentation.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Séguis, L., Descloitres, M., Cohard, J-M., Rosat, S., Riccardi, U., Galle, S., 2013. Monitoring gravity and water storage changes in northern Benin. AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2013,. Poster presentation.
Peugeot, C., Boone, A.A., Demarty, J., Grippa, M., Kergoat, L., Cappelaere, B., Awessou, B., Cohard, J-M., Galle, S., Gascon, T., Getirana, A., Hector, B., Mamadou, O., Richard, A., Seghieri, J., Séguis, L., How well do land surface models reproduce the water and energy cycles in the West African monsoon system ? Evaluation over the Upper Ouémé basin, Benin (ALMIP2 project). AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2013,. Poster presentation.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., Riccardi, U., Calvo, M., Ferhat, G., & Bernard, J.-D., 2013. Preliminary results of the monitoring of the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal reservoir by hybrid gravimetry, European Geothermal Workshop 24-25 October 2013 (EGW2013), EOST, Strasbourg, France.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Ferhat, G., Descloitres, M., Rosat, S., Riccardi, U., Little, F. 2013. Local water storage changes at different time scales using absolute and relative gravity measurements in West Africa, G2, Rennes, 2013. Oral presentation.
Klügel T., Karbon M., Wziontek H., Cordoba B., Hinderer J., Calvo M., Hector B., Omang O., Ritschel M. 2013. On the Efficiency of Atmospheric Corrections for Gravity Time Series obtained from Numerical Weather Models. IAG Int. Association of Geodesy 150 years, Potsdam, 2013. Oral presentation.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Descloitres, M., Rosat, S., Riccardi, U. 2013. Gravity changes at different time scales due to local hydrology using a superconducting gravimeter in West Africa, ETS Earth Tides Symposium, Warsaw, 2013. Oral presentation.
Hinderer, J., Hector, B., Boy, J.-P., Riccardi, U., Rosat, S., Calvo, M. 2013. A search for the atmospheric effects on gravity at different time and space scales, ETS Earth Tides Symposium, Warsaw, 2013. Oral presentation.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Descloitres, M., Rosat, S., Riccardi, U. 2013. Seasonal and short time gravity changes due to monsoonal rainfall in West Africa using a superconducting gravimeter., EGU spring meeting, Vienna, 2013, EGU2013-5258. Oral presentation.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Descloitres, M., Rosat, S. 2013. Rainfall, evapotranspiration and water storage changes effects on gravity. The case of the superconducting gravimeter in Djougou, Benin,West Africa., EGU spring meeting, Vienna, 2013, EGU2013-5292. Poster presentation.
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Boy, J.-P., Calvo, M., Descloitres, M., Rosat, S., Riccardi, U., Littel, F. 2012. Rainfall impact on gravity at annual and rapid time scales from a superconducting gravimeter record in Benin, West-Africa., AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2012,. Poster presentation.
Hector, B., Genthon, P., Luxereau, A., Descloitres, M., Moumouni Moussa, A., Abdou, H. 2012. Surface water - groundwater relationship in the downstream part of the Komadougou Yobe River (Eastern Sahelian Niger), EGU spring meeting, Vienna, 2012, EGU2012-9120. Poster communication.
Hector, B., Séguis, L., Descloitres, M., Hinderer, J., Wubda, M., Luck, B., Le Moigne, N. 2012. Monitoring water storage changes using absolute gravity
measurements, neutron probes and piezometer data in West Africa: advances in specific yield and recharge estimation., EGU spring meeting, Vienna, 2012, EGU2012-7534. Poster
Hector, B., Hinderer, J., Séguis, L., Descloitres, M., Wubda, M., Luck, B., Le Moigne, N. 2011. Towards the use of gravity data for monitoring water storage changes: results from a comparison with neutron probes and piezometers data in West Africa., AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 2011, H34B. Oral communication.
Genthon, P., Hinderer J., Pfeffer, J., Hector, B., Seguis, L., Favreau, G., Boucher, M., Bock, O., Boy J.-P. and the GHYRAF Team. 2011. Ground and space geodesy to
constrain water storage changes in West Africa: latest results from the GHYRAF (Gravity and Hydrology in Africa) project (2008-2011)., AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 12/2011, Poster
Hector B., Descloitres M., Séguis L., Wubda M., Legchenko A., Yalo N. Simulation des variations de stock d'eau et mesures de gravimétrie absolue à Nalohou, Bénin. 2011. colloque GFHN-GEOFCAN, Milieux poreux et géophysique, Orléans, 2011. Oral communication.
Hector B., Séguis L., Hinderer J., Descloitres M., Luck B., Le Moigne N., Wubda M. L'expérience GHYRAF au Bénin : première comparaison entre suivi gravimétrique absolu et variation de stock hydrique. 2011. colloque GFHN-GEOFCAN, Milieux poreux et géophysique, Orléans, 2011. Poster communication.
Hinderer, J., S. Rosat, B. Hector, M. Calvo, J.P. Boy, et al., , 2011. Preliminary results from the superconducting gravimeter OSG-60 installed in West Africa (Djougou, Benin), IUGG Melbourne, Australia, 28 june-7 July 2011.
Genthon, P., Hector, B., Le Coz, M., Hinderer, J., Chalikakis, K., Descloitres, M., Abdou, H., 2011. Méthodes hydrogéophysiques combinées pour la gestion de l'eau souterraine en bordure de la Komadougou Yobé, région de Diffa, Est Niger, Journées scientifiques école 2ie, Ougadougou, 04/2011.
Hector, B., Genthon, P., Le Coz, M., Hinderer, J., Chalikakis, K., Descloitres, M., 2010. Gravimetric response of water table fluctuations in the Sahelian Diffa site (East Niger): local effects including poro-elasticity, AGU Fall meeting, S. Francisco, 12/2010, H12B05.